
I build tools for engineers.

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Improving Error Notification Comprehension in IDEs by Supporting Developer Self-Explanations

Explanatory interface mockup, conceptualized in the Eclipse IDE.

My second graduate consortium submission, Improving Error Notification Comprehension in IDEs by Supporting Developer Self-Explanations, has been accepted to the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC) in Atlanta, Georgia. The abstract of the paper follows:

Despite the advanced static analysis techniques available to compilers, error notifications as presented by modern IDEs remain perplexing for developers to resolve. My thesis postulates that tools fail to adequately support self-explanation, a core metacognitive process necessary to comprehend notifications. The contribution of my work will bridge the gap between the presentation of tools and interpretation by developers by enabling IDEs to present the information they compute in a way that supports developer self-explanation.

You can compare this submission with my prior VL/HCC Graduate Consortium.